Creating an AppCloud Account

To access your Relationship One AppCloud account, please visit If you already have an AppCloud account, please enter your username and password to Sign In.


Organization Accounts

AppCloud apps and subscriptions are associated to a single AppCloud account which is shared by an entire organization or division. If you need to be added to your organization's existing AppCloud account, reach out to your organization's administrator to follow the steps found in: Adding a User to Your Account.


If your organization does not already have an AppCloud account, you can click Create Account button.


Complete the form and submit to create your new AppCloud user. Please note, you will need to use a business email address as our AppCloud does not allow consumer email addresses (e.g.,,, etc.).


Once you've registered, you will receive an email notification confirming your registration. Before you can access our AppCloud, you will need to click the validation link within this email.

After validating your account, you can sign into our AppCloud.